Our Practice in Fredericton & Minto

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A Storied History of Quality Eye Care

Spectrum Eyecare & Eyewear can trace its origins back to optometrist Waldren Maxwell in 1897. The practice was started in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, and moved to Fredericton in 1911. 

Though we’ve changed hands a few times in the last 120+ years, we’re still going strong, providing outstanding eye care and services to our communities in Fredericton and Minto.

Guided By Principles of Excellence

The team at Spectrum is here to improve your quality of life through eye health. We believe in service that’s prompt, efficient, and courteous while staying warm and friendly. 

To achieve this goal, we follow our core beliefs of fairness, integrity, and accountability in everything we do. Building a team of well-trained professionals was integral to fostering a community based on cooperation, respect, and growth.

We believe that these values should extend to our team members, our patients, our suppliers, and our community. These beliefs lie at the heart of our practice and keep us pursuing excellence with gusto!

Our Mission Statement

Our team provides high-quality eye care, services, and products. Through experience, innovation, and passion, we commit to enhancing your health and the way you see the world.

Contributing to the Global Community

At Spectrum Eyecare, we believe giving back is important. We donate to Optometry Giving Sight yearly. This charity’s vision is for “a world with universal access to eye care services and solutions for those in need”—a noble mission we can get behind. We’ve also given to various other charities over the years.

Our History

We’re proud to be continuing a history of more than 100 years of quality eye care in New Brunswick. Our founder, Waldren Maxwell, was the first man in New Brunswick to devote himself solely to the practice of optometry when he opened his practice in 1897. In 1926, his son Warren joined the practice, turning it into the family business.

In the many years since, we’ve been home to outstanding optometrists, opticians, and support staff. Meet the people who are delivering your eye care today.

Stop By & See Us


Find us on Prospect Street, just off the Highway 8 Fredericton Bypass. We share a building with Max Health Institute & Physiotherapy.

  • 550 Prospect Street
  • Fredericton, NB E3B 6G9


Visit us at the corner of Logue Road and Queen Street on Mondays & Wednesdays. We have plenty of parking available.

  • 253 Logue Road
  • Minto, NB E4B 3X4

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