Myopia Control for Children in Fredericton & Minto

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Advanced Eye Care for Nearsighted Kids

Myopia control is a way to reduce the progression of nearsightedness in children during childhood. This means they can enter adulthood with a lower prescription and avoid potentially serious vision risks associated with high myopia.

Myopia control is as simple as your child wearing specialized glasses or contact lenses, and it can have a major impact on their vision for life.

What Is Myopia Control?

Myopia is nearsightedness, a common refractive error that prevents the eye from bringing distant objects into focus. Myopia control relies on either specially designed multifocal contact lenses or glasses to both correct your child’s vision and halt or slow the growth of the eye that leads to increased nearsightedness.

In addition to intervention, the Canadian Association of Optometrists advises limiting screen time—especially for young children—and encouraging kids to get outside for 90 minutes a day. Both of these actions may have a protective effect against myopia progression.

Our Myopia Control Treatments

MiyoSmart Glasses

MiyoSmart lenses are used just like regular eyeglass lenses, so they’re easy to wear for children of all ages. They have been shown to reduce myopia progression by up to 60%.

MiSight Daily Contact Lenses

MiSight® 1 Day are daily disposable lenses that control the progression of myopia while providing clear vision. Since they’re disposable, you don’t have to worry about your child learning to clean their contacts. Studies have shown a 59% reduction in myopia progression over a 3-year period.

Stop By & See Us


Find us on Prospect Street, just off the Highway 8 Fredericton Bypass. We share a building with Max Health Institute & Physiotherapy.

  • 550 Prospect Street
  • Fredericton, NB E3B 6G9


Visit us at the corner of Logue Road and Queen Street on Mondays & Wednesdays. We have plenty of parking available.

  • 253 Logue Road
  • Minto, NB E4B 3X4

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